Where to Get Star’s Breath in Lost Ark

This article is about Where to get Star’s Breath in Lost Ark. Star’s Breath is a fundamental material to use in the Gear Honing process in Lost Ark. Whenever you are gearing up through Tier 1, you will see that upgrading gear passed +10 can get exceptionally challenging. At the point when you are trying to get from +14 to +15, you just have a 40% opportunity to succeed the overhaul! This is a key explanation that Star’s Breath is so vital for save your well deserved honing materials.

Where to get Star’s Breath in Lost Ark

Where to Get Star’s Breath in Lost Ark

You’ll see that as your stuff gets higher, the opportunity for an effective upgrade drops significantly. While there’s an opportunity your stuff upgrade will fizzle, there’s a method for decreasing the gamble of disappointment. This is where Star’s Breath comes in. While enhancing gear, you can utilize Star’s Breath to increase the opportunity of a fruitful upgrade.

Also read:  How to Ping in Lost Ark

Few different ways you can get Star’s Breath

  1. Secret Maps and Treasure Maps
  2. Proving Grounds – Exchange
  3. 3D shape Dungeons
  4. Mari’s Secret Shop

Star’s Breath is just for Tier 1 stuff, with various sorts of achievement upgrade things accessible for higher level levels. As such, Star’s Breath isn’t helpful for a person once you progress past Tier 1 level stuff. You can in any case utilize any unbound Star’s Breath on alt accounts, so make certain to save them regardless of whether you can’t utilize them.

Instructions to Get Star’s Breath in Lost Ark through Secret Maps

  • Research Arthetine Archeological Site Map at your Stronghold (Requires Lv. 2 Workshop)
  • Create Arthetine Archeological Site Maps
  • Go to and complete the site maps

The main wellspring of Star’s Breath is through the Excavating Trade Skill. By leveling your excavating, and crafting and completing Treasure Maps, you can obtain fundamental materials to increase the achievement pace of your updates.

Star Breath pointless, need a buff

It dosnt give the mind-set to continue on in light of the fact that it now it simply feels unthinkable. I have heard that in Asian they have a higher opportunity while honoring than we have here wich I find odd.
This specialist is fine up the position 10, then, at that point, it simply sucks after that point. Yet, its perhaps intentional to make players leave so the que disappear. Essentially its a decent method for evening that out.

I like the game yet its miserable it closes along these lines. If Islands where a thing you could do on alts aswell could help a little. Yet at the same time those stars is simply not worth the effort in my mind, since at my thing level I free the stars on bomb honoring in any case.

Where to get Star’s Breath in Lost Ark

Most effective method to Unlock

Gear Honing will be opened whenever they have arrived at Level 50 and have shown up at Vern Castle. This expects players to finish the blue-shaded story missions until they’ve opened the Chaos Dungeons and Gear Honing framework.

How to redesign gear in Lost Ark?

To fire leveling up the stuff, players should go to the guide and find the sledge symbol, which will indicate the Gear Honing NPC, akin to a metal forger. Address the NPC to bring up the menu, which will show the interface and an overhaul button.


There are just three Ghost Ship areas in Lost Ark. Don’t simply pick one arbitrarily, surprisingly their own trouble level. Investigate your personality’s thing level, and set forth to the most appropriate Ghost Ship:

  • Bad dream Ghost Ship: thing level 460
  • Shadow Ghost Ship: thing level 960
  • Whirlwind Ghost Ship: thing level 1370

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