Tips for Editing Your Game Videos like Pro
The majority of the gamers who were used to just playing games in the comforts of their homes are now making their very own game videos. But this is not the cup of tea every individual can make.
Of course, for the avid gamers, it will not be a major task as they go through YouTube regularly to watch videos showing how different games are played. They also get an idea of how missions advance in the games.
Nevertheless, the non-avid gamers looking to put the best gaming videos in front of the users will surely require a good quality games video editor for this purpose. Editors have the potential of improving raw gaming footage and making games popular among viewers.
But the problem is that not all the editors are easy to use. Beginners into making gameplay videos might not be able to use them professionally. So, here are a few editing tips that can help you in making game videos like a pro:
Do Not Forget to Add Captions and Titles
The game video editor offer a fully-featured platform where the users can easily add captions, tooltips, and titles. The users can also make all these appear at the moment they want them to appear and stay in sight as desired by the gaming video makers.
If you are adding text to your video, the gaming video editors will also give you the scope of adjusting the style of the text as per your preference. You should also make it a point to go for motion tracking.
It helps create captions for different things in a video and ensures all the things remain attached even when moving.
Come Up With the Right Setting
When recording your game video, you need to create the right setting for the session if you want to give your video a professional look. Keep in mind; if games run poorly on your system, you cannot use them for making or editing gameplay videos.
That’s because the system will naturally produce poor-quality videos. The different stutters and texture pop-ups appearing in the video games are directly sent to video files while recording. And these are quite annoying for the viewers.
Therefore, before starting with the editing of a gameplay video, ensure that your system is running fine and has the ability to maintain a minimum of 1080p resolution with 60 frames per second.
Consistency will also play a significant role in providing the best of end results!
Cut Out Boring Stuff
Now, this is very important if you really want your gaming video to look professional and trendy. Start the procedure of cutting out boring stuff by getting rid of all unwanted footage. If you are looking to create a shot with some of the best moments, ensure those are the ones that you will be leaving out.
Most of the time, you will feel like you keep more shots than required. But this can be damaging. And it is only because of this reason that you need to keep a script handy. Keep the initial idea of making your game video in mind and try sticking to it.
Remember Color Adjustments Are Necessary
You will have to use the different video effects available with a video editor if you are looking to make proper color adjustments to the recorded video. Color adjustments are necessary because they make a video more appealing.
Nevertheless, you will have to make these adjustments carefully because one mistake can completely ruin the entire video. The video effects available with many online video editing tools provide settings for brightness and contrast. And yes, you will also get a few tools possessing rapid color correctors.
Try making a few improvements in saturation. Do not forget to preview all the changes that you have made. Always go for combinations of 20%/15% and 30%/20% for brightness contrast settings, as these will offer you the finest details.
Trimming Your Game Video Is Necessary
As with any editing, trimming is one of the most basic and important steps. Most of the time it happens that gaming enthusiasts end up recording lengthy videos. It is difficult to post such lengthy videos online because of their heavy file size.
Hence, it becomes crucial to cut them into varied sections, making them easy to edit and make varied stories. The majority of online video editing tools have the potential to handle MO4 file formats. These file formats can even be updated to social media sites very easily.
The key here is paying attention to trimming lengthy videos into minuscule sections so you are able to maintain the interest of the viewers over whatever you will be posting.
Background Music- It’s Important in a Game Video
If you have reached this step, then definitely you have made it very far along the journey of creating a game video like pro. Good job! The next important step before uploading your game video to the channel of your choice, the audio.
This is one tiny detail you need to pay attention to. There is no need for you to include any music in your game if you are recording it in real-time and making voice comments with the headset on.
However, if you are looking to create voice-overs, you will have to do this separately either before or after editing the video.
Going for good-quality background music will also be a great idea. It will help in making your video more enticing and engaging. However, simply adding music will not work. The easiest option is finding a nice tune that is free of copyright issues. Go for royalty-free tracks available at zero cost.
That’s it! You are done with the editing of your professional game video. Further, if you would like to add effects and transitions, you can do so with the help of the editor you are using.
And why stop here? Go ahead and spread the word about the launch of your gameplay video!