How to Find and Beat Red Bear in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree

In Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree, players experience various formidable enemies, one of the most difficult being the Red Bear. This guide will walk you through how to find and overcome this overwhelming rival.

How to Find and Beat Red Bear in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree

Locating the Red Bear

Beginning stage: Start your excursion from the Erdtree Safe-haven. This focal area gives the best course to the Red Bear’s den.

Exploring the Landscape: Head towards the eastern forest. Be prepared to experience different foes, so guarantee you’re all around supplied with recuperating things and furnished areas of strength for with.

The Secret Way: Search for a thin, nearly hid way close to a bunch of old trees. This way will lead you to a cavern entrance set apart by hook blemishes on the rocks.

Inside the Cavern: Enter the cavern and tread carefully. The cavern is dull and loaded up with minor foes. Utilize a light to explore and look for traps.

The Nest: Toward the finish of the cavern, you’ll track down a huge chamber. This is where the Red Bear dwells.

Preparing for the Battle

Stuff and Weapons: Furnish weapons with high actual harm. The Red Bear is impervious to enchantment yet helpless against actual assaults and fire.

Defensive layer: Wear covering that gives great assurance against actual assaults. The Red Bear’s assaults are strong and can undoubtedly get through frail safeguards.

Things: Stock up on mending jars, fire bombs, and endurance helping consumables. These will be vital during the battle.

Summons: Assuming you’re battling, consider bringing partners or utilizing soul remains to help you in battle.

The Battle Strategy

Perception: Before connecting with, notice the Red Bear’s assault designs. It has a blend of swipes, charges, and ground pummels. Each assault has an indication, like a thunder or a particular development.

Evading: Timing is vital. Evade sideways to keep away from its charges and roll under its swipes. Try not to remain straightforwardly before the Red Bear, as its ground hammer can hit a wide region.

Assault Windows: The best opportunity to go after is just after it finishes a ground hammer or charge. These moves leave the Red Bear quickly powerless.

Discharge Assaults: Use shoot bombs or shoot charmed weapons to take advantage of its shortcoming. Hitting it with fire will bargain additional harm and possibly stun it.

Endurance The executives: Watch out for your endurance bar. The Red Bear’s assaults can be tenacious, and you’ll require endurance to avoid and counter-assault actually.

Recuperating: Mend just when you’re at a protected distance. The Red Bear can make progress rapidly, so guarantee you have sufficient room before utilizing a jar.

How to Find and Beat Red Bear in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree


Overcoming the Red Bear in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree is not easy at all, yet with the right arrangement and strategy, you can arise triumphant. Make sure to remain patient, notice its examples, and profit by its shortcomings. Best of luck, Discolored!

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