How to Beat Councilor Vay Hek Warframe

Beat Councilor Vay Hek Warframe is the Grineer manager of Earth. He is among the most influential and dangerous Grineer, being liable for the Cicero Toxin to harm Earth’s forests, the reconditioning of the insane and exceptionally aggressive The Grustrag Three warriors, the Balor Fomorian warships that can annihilate capital ships and Relays, and the animalistic and hastily reproduced Fiends.

Vay Hek is battled on Oro, Earth, which can be accessed exclusively by players of Mastery Rank 5 or higher. After defeating him and completing the mission, players will get Hydroid part blueprints.

Vay Hek’s fanatical loyalty to the Grineer cause has driven him to spearhead various Grineer operations against the Framework. As straightforward as he is zealous, he is known for hijacking Tenno transmissions to send boastful messages, with targets ranging from Relay broadcasts to even a Devstream.

Combined with his leading situation in the Grineer hierarchy and (later on) access to the formidable Fomorian armada, he is quite possibly of the most dangerous adversary the Tenno have experienced.

how to beat councilor vay hek warframe

How To Defeat Councilor Vay Hek

Vay Hek is a supervisor from Grineer that appears on Earth during your Oro mission. Warframe Harrow Prime Weapons Hek is a dangerous enemy who has had various medical procedures to change his body for combat.’

Vay Hek can be defeated with a variety of Warframes since he is straightforward to beat with only a tiny amount of accuracy and a very much constructed weapon.


You can fight Vay Hek on Earth’s Oro mission.

Special Rewards

At the point when you beat Vay Hek, you’ll be given a random part to use to make Hydroid.

Among the Hydroid parts that Vay Hek may probably reward are the following:

  • 38.72% of Hydroid Neuroptics
  • 38.72% of Hydroid Chassis
  • 22.56% of Hydroid Frameworks

How Can Vay Hek Be Killed?

The Chase

When the mission begins, you will be approached by Vay Hek, who will insult you and attempt to persuade you to pursue him, where Grineer adversaries will attack you.

Vay Hek may start attacking you in several better places on the off chance that you don’t follow him or kill any rivals that come in your path.

Vay Hek will attempt to strike you within each location, however a weak point upon his back shall shine, so in the event that you shoot it and cause extreme harm, he would escape to the following district.

Drone Form of Vay Hek

Vay Hek will attack you under his initial form, his drone avatar, where he may attempt to fire machine weapons at you, perform attacks that can cause your HUD interface to malfunction, and more.

To forestall being harmed, it’s best not to let them go too near to you. Subsequently using slug hops and avoids will be crucial while dealing with him.

At the point when Vay Hek’s health is low, he will attempt to suck the life from any of the surrounding Grineer warriors; to keep this from occurring, you should kill all the Grineer adversaries from whom he is attempting to take life.

Mech Form of Vay Hek

During this final phase, Vay Hek will attack you in various procedures, and you just have to dodge when required and cause as much injury to him as conceivable.

how to beat councilor vay hek warframe

Who would win in a fight, Darth Vader or Darth Maul?

This was the same Darth Maul that was positive about his ability to defeat a gathering level master and his apprentice, the same Maul that was willing to fight his former master who he called the most influential man in the world. This was the Same Darth Maul that was willing to gamble with the attention of the whole Jedi order in order to face Kenobi once again.

This is because he had heard legends of Darth Vader’s accomplishments. Farm Harrow Prime Warframe Indeed, Maul had battled Jedi, however 8 of them without a moment’s delay? And winning? Indeed, Maul had been in battles, however he had never slaughtered armies. He has battled chamber level Jedi, and won, however he had never embarrassed them.

Indeed, he had been sliced down the middle and fallen a great distance yet Vader, Vader had been sliced down the middle and been burnside near death, he had fallen off bluffs and reconstructed himself, he has been stuck at the bottom of an ocean and still made due, he has had a stream of lava diverted at him and he has swam through it. Darth Maul was on the right track to be afraid.

Because regardless of what Darth Maul achieves, he actually doesn’t compare. Darth Maul at his best, kills gathering level Jedi, Vader, at best, kills 8 at the same time. Darth Maul is just a master of Juyo and Ataru while Vader is THE MASTER of Djem In this way, and a master of Suresu, Makashi, and Juyo.

Does Darth Vader have any redeemable qualities?

A brilliant swordsman, a devastatingly strong Force client. A natural pilot and mechanic: Darth Vader’s just real limitations come from his injuries. Despite the fact that those limitations are crippling, Darth Vader managed to evade them by attaining a degree of expertise that would probably have been beyond him on the off chance that he’d remained whole.

Brave. At the point when Darth Vader wants something, he gets it. He may task others with accomplishing a mission. However he won’t ever take cover behind them. Instead, should the opportunity introduce itself, or in any event. As the need might arise, he will hurl himself entirely into battle against numerically superior chances.

Cunning. Darth Vader is definitely not a mindless hooligan. He grasped the danger of allowing Rebel attack runs on the Death Star. During the Clone Wars he managed to conceal from Count Dooku. An especially skilled fencer, that he had furtively mastered a whole unique style from the one he’d utilized in their past experience. Exclusively in order to fatally shock Dooku at an opportune second. He had a gift for tactics and audacious plans. His main real flaw, as Anakin or Vader, was his finished lack of self-information.

Darth Vader does not easily surrender. The old Marvel comic books even show him being fooled into standing before a strain door, which unexpectedly was opened up. The plan was to assassinate Vader by sucking him into interstellar space. Darth Vader steadied himself against the rushing winds, then engaged his will, and walked right back inside.

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