This article is about Lost Ark: Demon Beast Canyon Abyssal Dungeon Raid Guide. Demon Beast Canyon is the principal TIER 1 Abyssal Dungeon and you should be somewhere around 340 Item Level to enter this Abyssal Dungeon.
Subsequent to clearing the dungeon, you can pay gold to get extra plunder. The suggested Combat Items are HP Potion and Splendid Whirlwind Grenade.
Lost Ark: Demon Beast Canyon Abyssal Dungeon Raid Guide
Demon Beast Canyon is the main Abyssal Dungeon that the huge invasion of players will be going after in Lost Ark, and it’s a straightforward prologue to the framework. Players should be Item Level 340 to enter it, in any event, and the awards from it very well may be made into the Epic-Rarity Armor and Weapons for Tier 1 stuff.
Like most Abyssal Dungeons, Demon Beast Canyon is a modified variant of one of the fundamental story journey Dungeons, with more managers, mechanics, indicates explicit Lore, and a couple of more crowd clearing segments spread all through. Here is a gander at what precisely this Dungeon involves, and how more up to date Lost Ark final stage players can traverse it.
Short and Sweet Quick Guide
This guide will go into profundity on each segment of the Abyssal Dungeon; in any case, a few players will as of now see a large portion of this.
Also read: How to Unlock and Complete Guardian Raids in Lost Ark
Lost Ark Corrupted Vazuela strategies and tips
The main section level manager is intended to be an obstacle yet not really sensational. The following are the key strategies you should know about.
The Corrupted Vazuela hops out of sight, doing an AOE under its arrival zone. The AOE then spreads to the external scopes of the chief.
Undermined Vazuela mechanics
Undermined Vazuela is the first and most straightforward of the Abyssal Dungeon supervisors, however moving to the point of providing you with a sample of what’s to come. While Corrupted Vazuela has no power stages or “wipe” mechanics that in a split second kill your party, the battle can go crazy in the event that you don’t have a clue about the mechanics.
All through the battle, Vazuela will intermittently mark an objective player with a blue crosshair prior to throwing up a puddle of blood at the objective. That puddle will bargain huge harm over the long haul to any individual who strolls through it, so assuming you are focused on, embrace the edge of the field to hold the puddles back from obstructing the middle.
Undermined Vazuela Boss Fight
The primary manager battle is genuinely a simple one. Debased Vazuela is an enormous beast with slow portability and consequently, its assaults invest in some opportunity to execute. You’ll have a lot of opportunity to hit back between assaults.
The beast brings forth Blood Puddles that harm all that comes in its way.
Bounce Slam
Supervisor hops up, transmits a red circle and rams in that area. Promptly following a bigger external circle shows up and bargains harm. Run or evade towards supervisor to stay away from.