How to Get a Fish Tank in Once Human – Full Guide

In Once Human, having a fish tank not just adds a decorative component to your in-game base yet additionally gives a chance to cultivate a variety of aquatic life. Here is a bit by bit guide on how to obtain and set up a fish tank in the game.

How to Get a Fish Tank in Once Human

Stage 1: Gather Assets

To craft a fish tank, you’ll have to gather explicit assets. This is what you really want:

Glass: Glass is essential for creating the actual tank. You can obtain glass by smelting sand in a furnace or finding it through exploration.

Metal Parts: These are necessary to develop the tank’s framework. Metal parts can be scavenged from various locations or crafted from raw metal.

Wood Planks: Wood is utilized to create the stand or base for the fish tank. You can gather wood by chopping down trees or scavenging from old designs.

Water: Once your tank is assembled, you’ll have to fill it with water. This can be gathered from streams, lakes, or any other water sources within the game.

Stage 2: Crafting the Fish Tank

Once you’ve gathered all the necessary assets, you can continue to craft the fish tank. Follow these means:

Access the Crafting Menu: Open your inventory and navigate to the crafting menu.

Search for the “Furnishings” or “Decorations” segment, where the fish tank choice ought to be recorded.

Craft the Fish Tank: Select the fish tank from the rundown of craftable things. Guarantee you have all the necessary materials in your inventory.

Provided that this is true, click “Craft” to begin the development interaction. It may take a couple of moments to finish.

Place the Fish Tank: After crafting, the fish tank will appear in your inventory. To place it in your base, select the fish tank, and pick the location where you want it to be. Make sure the area is flat and has adequate room.

Stage 3: Filling and Stocking the Fish Tank

Now that your fish tank is set up, now is the ideal time to fill it with water and add some aquatic life.

Fill the Tank with Water: Utilize a container to gather water from a nearby source and empty it into the tank. Repeat this interaction until the tank is full.

Catch and Add Fish: To populate your tank, you’ll have to catch fish. Prepare a fishing pole and find a water source. Cast your line and wait for a fish to chomp. Once you’ve caught a fish, you can add it to your tank. Just select the fish from your inventory and place it into the tank.

Maintain the Tank: To keep your fish healthy, make sure the water is clean and the tank is very much maintained. You may have to change the water occasionally and feed the fish, depending on the game’s mechanics.

Stage 4: Partake in Your Fish Tank

With your fish tank set up and stocked, you can partake in the quiet climate it brings to your base. Interact with the tank to notice your fish and even customize the tank with decorations like plants and shakes.

How to Get a Fish Tank in Once Human


Obtaining a fish tank in Once Human is a rewarding cycle that adds both stylish appeal and another layer of gameplay. By following the means outlined above, you can craft, set up, and maintain your own fish tank, enhancing your in-game insight. Happy fishing!

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